Following the earthquakes on February 6th, the disaster coordination efforts initiated by the Turkey Social Entrepreneurship Network (TSEN), in which İstasyonTEDU is one of the founding partners, continue to support cooperatives, social enterprises, and communities in the earthquake-affected areas.

Social Innovation Transfer in the Earthquake Region Panel was organized as part of the 6th Social Enterprise Support Organizations Coordination Meeting, which aims to bring togetherinst tutions
supporting social entrepreneurship in Turkey after a disaster. You can access the recording of the panel by clicking this link.

In this context, the second Social Innovation Transfer Panel, which aims to make visible both post disaster regional developments and global-scale social innovation practices and to create a common
ground for new solutions, was held on July 7th. You can access the recording of the panel by clicking on this link.
You can follow the announcements of the Social Innovation Transfer Panels on İstasyonTEDÜ and TSGA Instagram Accounts.