Open Bench New Year's Bazaar event was held for the fourth time under the umbrella of Türkiye Social Entrepreneurship Network (TSEN). UNITE Common Space hosted the event on Monday, December 25, and IstasyonTEDU hosted on Tuesday, December 26.
This year, 25 social enterprises working in different fields such as sustainable textiles, environmentally friendly care and cleaning products, organic food, and educational material design participated in Open Bench. In addition to the social enterprises in Ankara, 5 women’s cooperatives from Adıyaman, Hatay and Malatya which were affected by the February 6 earthquakes, participated in the event with the financial support of Needs Map.
During the Open Bench, Social enterprises had the chance to inform participants about their initiatives face-to-face and held talks on cooperation opportunities among themselves. The dissemination efforts of the event carried out by UNITE Common Space and IstasyonTEDU contributed to the visibility of social enterprises. Approximately 200 people from and outside of TED University participated in the event. In 2023, the following social enterprises participated in the Open Bench New Year’s Bazaar:
Ankara Aks
Belen Üreten Eller Women’s Cooperative
Beri Cooperative
Besni Women’s Cooperative
Cold Fusion
Daliko Design
Ekodoku Cooperative
Good 4 Trust
Hayat Sende
Hisleri Harika
Kaligrafi & More
Kız Başına
Kybele’s Garden
Lindos Naturals
Maldi Ana Women’s Cooperative
Meraklı Karga
Modular Toys
Rimmen Women’s Cooperative
Stipa Ecology
Toprak Ana Women’s Cooperative
Yedi Kedi Design
Zeytindalı Women’s Cooperative